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Thursday, September 28, 2023

30 Things To Know About Teaching and Learning: UGC NET Paper-1

 30 Things To Know About Teaching and Learning: UGC NET Paper-1


This article/blog is specifically designed to discuss and define some useful terminologies frequently asked in the UGC NET Paper-1 exam.


Idea means a plan, formulated thought, opinion, or suggestion, especially about what to do in a particular situation.


  • Fact is a truth known by actual experience or observation.
  • Fact is something known to be true.


·       Principle means a basic general law.

·       A principle is a kind of rule, belief, or idea that guides you.

·       A principle is a good behavior rule based on what a person believes is right.


·       Process means a series of actions for a particular purpose.

·       Process is a series of changes that happen naturally.

·       A process is a series of progressive and interdependent steps by which an end is attained.

·       A process is a series or set of activities that interact to produce a result.


·       Method means a way of doing something.

·       Method refers to a settled procedure, usually according to a definite, established, logical, or systematic plan.

·       A method is a procedure or process for attaining an object.

·       Method, mode, and way imply a manner in which a thing is done or in which it happens.


·       Approach means to come near or nearer to somebody/ something.

·       An approach is a way of dealing with somebody/ something.

·       An approach means to begin dealing with a problem or situation.


An event is something that happens especially something important and unusual.


·       Observation is the activity of paying close attention to someone or something to get information in numerical form.

·       Observations can be overt (subjects know they are being observed) or covert (do not know they are being watched).


·       Rapport is a friendly relationship in which people understand each other well.

·       Rapport is a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy.

·       Rapport is a good sense of understanding and trust.

·       Rapport means harmonious accord or relation that fosters cooperation, communication, or trust.

·       Rapport can be built by showing a personal interest in the customer. For example, if a customer says, he has been in hospital, ask him how the recovery is going.


Teaching is fundamentally a process, including planning, implementation, evaluation, and revision.


·       The father of modern Pedagogy is Heinrich Pestalozzi.

·       Pedagogy and Pedagogue come from the Greek Paidos “boy, child” plus agogos “leader”.

·       Pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.

·       Pedagogy is the “art”, science, or profession of teaching.

The 4(four) components of the teaching-learning process are (a) curriculum (b) classroom environment (c) learner (d) teaching technology

The teaching-learning process or the education process

The teaching-learning or the education process refers to a systematic, sequential, planned course of action for the teacher and learner to achieve teaching and learning outcomes.

The five steps in the teaching-learning process are (a) Engage (b) Explore (c) Explain (d) Elaborate (e) Evaluate

Teaching-learning methods

I. The Teacher-centered teaching approach includes (a) Guided instruction (b) A Just-in-time teaching method

II.            Student-centered teaching approach includes (a) Interactive lectures (b) Experiential learning

Learner characteristics that impact/influence teaching the most:

·       Social arena, cultural habits, willingness of a person to adopt change, and economic background

·       Intelligence and study habits

·       Aptitude and motivation

·       Age and health

·       The intellectual level, cognitive ability, perception, personality, and attitude of a learner

Personal characteristics that impact/influence teaching

·       Gender, language, age, and cultural background

Academic characteristics that impact/influence teaching

Logic, objectivity, intellect, insight, and practical applications

Learner characteristics that don’t impact/influence teaching

·       The skin color

·       Non-transferable

·       Parent’s interests

·       Socio-economic background

·       Size of the family

·       Physical appearance

Cognitive development

·       Cognitive development means how children think, explore, and figure things out.

·       Cognitive development is the development of knowledge, skills, problem-solving, and dispositions, which help children to think about and understand the world around them.


·       The father of meta-cognition is John Flavell.

·       Meta-cognition means learning to learn.

·       Meta-cognition is the process of thinking about one’s own thinking and learning.

·       Meta-cognition is the process of thinking and analyzing what, how, and why you think.

·       Meta-cognition is about an individual’s capability to analyze their thinking patterns.

Piaget’s theory of Cognitive development

Piaget’s theory of Cognitive development states that as children’s thinking develops from one stage to the next, their behavior also changes, reflecting the cognitive developments.


·       Accommodation refers to the tendency to adjust to a new object to change one’s understanding to fit in the new object.

·       Accommodation involves altering existing ideas or schemas due to new experiences.


Assimilation is the understanding of new objects or ideas with the existing capacity of understanding.

Both are part of Piaget’s idea of adaptation, or how children learn about and categorize the world.

Click the link to learn about the  Teaching models

Morrison’s teaching model

The correct sequence of five steps in Morrison’s teaching model at the understanding level is (a) Exploration (b) Presentation (c) Assimilation (d) Organization (e) Recitation


Education is an enlightening process of receiving and providing knowledge through systematic instruction.  

Father/mother of all learning------ Repetition

Author of the book of learning ------- ER Murray

The first man to write lesson books for children ------ Aldhelm (640-709), abbot of Malmesbury and Bishop of Sherborne


·       Knowledge means information, understanding, and skills gained through learning or experience.

·       Knowledge is the state of knowing about a particular act or situation.


·       Attitude refers to an expression of the way one feels.

·       Attitude focuses on how one feels.


·       Behaviour is the way that someone acts.

·       Behaviour deals with one’s actions.


Synchronous means existing or occurring at the same time.


·       Learning is acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences.

·       Learning ability is possessed by humans, animals, machines, and plants.

Learning of education

Learning is an intellectual process of acquiring new skills and knowledge, through experience, study, or teaching.

Click the link to learn about  Learning-1   


·       Assessment is the systematic basis for making inferences about the learning and development of students.

·       Assessment is the process of defining, selecting, designing, collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and using information to increase student’s learning and development.

Click the link to learn about the Types of assessment



·        Memory is the process of taking in information from the world around us, processing it, storing it, and later calling that information, sometimes many years later.

·        The term memory is often synonymous with the term primary storage or main memory.

Click the link to learn about the Types of computer memory     ICT-1


·       An emoticon, short for “emotion icon”, is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using characters, usually punctuation marks, numbers, and letters-to express a person’s feeling, mood, or reaction, without needing to describe it in detail.

·       An emoticon is a symbol, the most often used in computed–mediated communications.

·       Emoticons show your feelings when you send an e-mail or text message.

Big data

·       Big data is data that contains greater variety, arriving in increasing volumes and with more velocity.

·       Big data describes a large, hard-to-manage volume of data (structured and unstructured).

·       Big data includes words, sounds, and images.

Small data

Small data are slow and sampled.

Higher Education

Click the link to learn about Higher Education-1    Higher Education-2


Click the link to learn about the Types of autocrats


·       Theory is the general idea or principles of a particular subject.

·       Theory refers to an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events.

·       Theory is a rational type of abstract thinking about a phenomenon or results of such thinking.

·       A theory is an attempt to explain why and to provide understanding.

·       Theories may be scientific, non-scientific, or of no discipline.


·       Assumption (belief) means something you accept is true even though you have no proof.

·       An assumption is an unexamined belief.

·       Synonyms of assumption are supposition, acceptance, belief, expectation, and guess.


·       A hypothesis is an assumption that is made based on some evidence.

·hypothesis explains something that has yet to be proven.

·       A simple hypothesis is a statement made to reflect the relation between exactly two variables (independent variable and dependent variable). For example, smoking is a prominent cause of lung cancer.

·       Research hypothesis is a statement that introduces a research question and proposes an expected result.

Click the link to learn about Hypothesis-1


A sample is a subset of individuals from a larger population.


·       Sampling means selecting the group you will collect data from in your research.

·       Types of sampling includes (a) Random Sampling (b) Block Sampling (c) Judgment Sampling (d) Systematic Sampling

Click the link to learn about the Types of Sampling

Percentile score

A Percentile score is a comparison score between a particular score and the scores of a group.


A scale is a device or object used to measure or quantify any event or another object.

Scales of measurement

Scales of measurement are how variables are defined and categorized.

Click the link to learn about Scales of measurement 


·       Communication has been derived from the Latin word “communicare” which means to impart or participate or to transmit.

·       The word “communicare” is derived from the root “communis” which means to make common or to share (common understanding).

·       Communication is the act of sharing or exchanging information, ideas, or feelings.

Click the link to learn about Types of communication

 Synchronous communication

  • Synchronous communication is real-time communication where you can exchange information with others immediately.
  • Synchronous communication requires an immediate response.

Asynchronous communication

·       Asynchronous communication means interaction without real-time conversation – replies can be delayed. For example: E-Mail.

·       Not real-time

·       No immediate feedback

·       Some examples are e-mail, message text, recorded classroom, blogs, discussion boards, and Vlog

Model of communication

Linear communication model

·       Linear communication model is one way.

·       There is no feedback

·       Components of Linear communication model are sender, encoding(words, pictures, symbols), and decoding.

·       Some common examples of linear communication models are newspaper, radio, TV, and magazine.

Transactional communication model

· The transactional communication model is a two-way communication model.

·       Both give and take take place (exchange or transactional).

·       Synchronous in nature

·       There is an immediate feedback

Interactive communication model

·       Interactive communication model is a new communication technique.

·       Asynchronous in nature

·       There is feedback after a delay

Characteristics of effective communication

·       Characteristics of effective communication are clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous.

·       Two-way process

·       Exchange of ideas takes place

·       Continuous process

·       Use of words as well as symbols

·       Communication is all-pervasive

·       Mutual understanding

·       Four key communication components are encoding, transmission medium, decoding, and feedback.

Some positive attitudes of a good communicator are:

·       Letting others know you care about their well-being.

·       Empathetic is very useful in conflict resolution because it can allow you to imagine what others are feeling and understand their actions.

Click the link to learn about Barriers to communication


·       Study refers to the activity or process of learning about something by reading, memorizing facts, and attending schools.

·       The process of studying entails applying the mind to acquire knowledge, such as through observation, understanding, and imagining possible applications of the knowledge.

Click the link to learn about  Types of study






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